
Models to specify and measure operating conditions


Extends from Modelica.Icons.SourcesPackage (Icon for packages containing sources).

Package Content

FCSys.Conditions.Examples Examples Examples
FCSys.Conditions.Adapters Adapters Interfaces to the Modelica Standard Library
FCSys.Conditions.ByConnector ByConnector Conditions for each type of connector
FCSys.Conditions.Environment Environment Environmental properties for a simulation
FCSys.Conditions.Router Router Connect two pairs of boundaries to pass through or cross over

FCSys.Conditions.Environment FCSys.Conditions.Environment

Environmental properties for a simulation


Extends from FCSys.Icons.Names.Top3.


BooleananalysistrueInclude optional variables for analysis
TemperatureAbsoluteT298.15*U.KTemperature [L2.M/(N.T2)]
PressureAbsolutepU.atmPressure [M/(L.T2)]
NumberAbsoluteRH0.5Relative humidity [1]
NumberAbsolutepsi_O2_dry0.20946Mole fraction of O2 in the dry gas [1]
Accelerationa[Axis]{0,Modelica.Constants.g_n*U….Acceleration due to body forces [L/T2]
ForceSpecificE[Axis]{0,0,0}Electric field [L.M/(N.T2)]

Modelica definition

record Environment "Environmental properties for a simulation"
  extends FCSys.Icons.Names.Top3;

  // Store the values of the base constants and units.
  final constant U.Bases.Base baseUnits=U.base "Base constants and units";

  parameter Boolean analysis=true "Include optional variables for analysis";

  // Thermodynamics
  parameter Q.TemperatureAbsolute T(nominal=300*U.K) = 298.15*U.K "Temperature";
  parameter Q.PressureAbsolute p(nominal=U.atm) = U.atm "Pressure";
  parameter Q.NumberAbsolute RH(
    max=1) = 0.5 "Relative humidity";
  parameter Q.NumberAbsolute psi_O2_dry(
    final max=1,
    displayUnit="%") = 0.20946 
    "Mole fraction of O2 in the dry gas";
  // Value from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen, accessed 2013/10/30
  final parameter Q.PressureAbsolute p_sat=Characteristics.H2O.p_sat(T) 
    "Saturation pressure of H2O vapor";
  final parameter Q.PressureAbsolute p_H2O=RH*p_sat "Pressure of H2O vapor";
  final parameter Q.PressureAbsolute p_dry=p - p_H2O "Pressure of dry gases";
  final parameter Q.PressureAbsolute p_O2=psi_O2_dry*p_dry "Pressure of O2";
  final parameter Q.NumberAbsolute psi_H2O=p_H2O/p "Mole fraction of H2O";
  final parameter Q.NumberAbsolute psi_dry=1 - psi_H2O 
    "Mole fraction of dry gases";

  // Fields
  parameter Q.Acceleration a[Axis]={0,Modelica.Constants.g_n*U.m/U.s^2,0} 
    "Acceleration due to body forces";
  // The gravity component is positive because it's added to the transient
  // term in the Species model.
  parameter Q.ForceSpecific E[Axis]={0,0,0} "Electric field";

end Environment;

FCSys.Conditions.Router FCSys.Conditions.Router

Connect two pairs of boundaries to pass through or cross over FCSys.Conditions.Router


This model acts as a connection switch. It has a single parameter, crossOver.

If crossOver is set to false, then the router will be in the pass-through mode. In that case, negative1 is connected to positive1 and negative2 is connected to positive2, as shown by Figure 1a.

If crossOver is set to true, then the router will be in cross-over mode. In that case, negative1 is connected to positive2 and negative2 is connected to positive1, as shown by Figure 1b.

a: Pass-through

b: Cross-over
Figure 1: Modes of connection.
Extends from FCSys.Icons.Names.Top3.


BooleancrossOverfalseCross over (otherwise, pass through)


BoundaryBusnegative1Negative boundary 1
BoundaryBuspositive1Positive boundary 1
BoundaryBusnegative2Negative boundary 2
BoundaryBuspositive2Positive boundary 2

Modelica definition

model Router 
  "Connect two pairs of boundaries to pass through or cross over"
  extends FCSys.Icons.Names.Top3;
  parameter Boolean crossOver=false "Cross over (otherwise, pass through)";
  Connectors.BoundaryBus negative1 "Negative boundary 1";
  Connectors.BoundaryBus positive1 "Positive boundary 1";
  Connectors.BoundaryBus negative2 "Negative boundary 2";
  Connectors.BoundaryBus positive2 "Positive boundary 2";

  if crossOver then
    connect(negative1, positive2);
    connect(negative2, positive1);
    // Pass-through
    connect(negative1, positive1);
    connect(negative2, positive2);
  end if;
end Router;