
3D arrays of discrete, interconnected subregions


Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Content

FCSys.Regions.Examples Examples Examples
FCSys.Regions.AnFPs AnFPs Anode flow plates
FCSys.Regions.AnGDLs AnGDLs Anode gas diffusion layers
FCSys.Regions.AnCLs AnCLs Anode catalyst layers
FCSys.Regions.PEMs PEMs Proton exchange membranes
FCSys.Regions.CaCLs CaCLs Cathode catalyst layers
FCSys.Regions.CaGDLs CaGDLs Cathode gas diffusion layers
FCSys.Regions.CaFPs CaFPs Cathode flow plates
FCSys.Regions.Region Region Base model for a 3D array of subregions

FCSys.Regions.Region FCSys.Regions.Region

Base model for a 3D array of subregions FCSys.Regions.Region


If Lx is an empty vector (e.g., zeros(0), ones(0), or fill(1, 0)), then there are no subregions along the x axis and the boundaries along the x axis are directly connected. The same applies to the other axes.


replaceable model SubregionSubregions.SubregionBase subregion model
LengthL_x[:]{U.cm}Lengths along the x axis [L]
LengthL_y[:]{U.cm}Lengths along the y axis [L]
LengthL_z[:]{U.cm}Lengths across the z axis [L]
Included transport axes


replaceable model SubregionBase subregion model
BoundaryBusxNegative[n_y, n_z]Negative boundary along the x axis
BoundaryBusxPositive[n_y, n_z]Positive boundary along the x axis
BoundaryBusyNegative[n_x, n_z]Negative boundary along the y axis
BoundaryBusyPositive[n_x, n_z]Positive boundary along the y axis
BoundaryBuszNegative[n_x, n_y]Negative boundary along the z axis
BoundaryBuszPositive[n_x, n_y]Positive boundary along the z axis

Modelica definition

model Region "Base model for a 3D array of subregions"
  import FCSys.Utilities.Coordinates.cartWrap;
  // extends FCSys.Icons.Names.Top3;
  // extends FCSys.Icons.Names.Top6;

  // Geometric parameters
  parameter Q.Length L_x[:]={U.cm} "Lengths along the x axis";
  parameter Q.Length L_y[:]={U.cm} "Lengths along the y axis";
  parameter Q.Length L_z[:]={U.cm} "Lengths across the z axis";

  final parameter Integer n_x=size(L_x, 1) 
    "Number of sets of subregions along the x axis";
  final parameter Integer n_y=size(L_y, 1) 
    "Number of sets of subregions along the y axis";
  final parameter Integer n_z=size(L_z, 1) 
    "Number of sets of subregions along the z axis";

  // Assumptions
  // -----------
  // Included transport axes
  parameter Boolean inclTransX=true "X";
  parameter Boolean inclTransY=true "Y";
  parameter Boolean inclTransZ=true "Z";

  // Auxiliary parameters (for analysis only)
  final parameter Q.Length L[Axis]={sum(L_x),sum(L_y),sum(L_z)} if 
    hasSubregions "Length";
  final parameter Q.Area A[Axis]={L[cartWrap(axis + 1)]*L[cartWrap(axis + 2)] 
      for axis in Axis} if hasSubregions "Cross-sectional areas";
  final parameter Q.Volume V=product(L) if hasSubregions "Volume";

  replaceable model Subregion = Subregions.Subregion constrainedby 
    final inclTransX=inclTransX,
    final inclTransY=inclTransY,
    final inclTransZ=inclTransZ) "Base subregion model";
  // Note:  In Dymola 2014, the inclTransX, inclTransY, and inclTransZ parameters
  // still appear in the parameter dialog even though they are final.

  Subregion subregions[n_x, n_y, n_z](final L={{L_x[i_x],L_y[i_y],L_z[i_z]} 
        for i_z in 1:n_z, i_y in 1:n_y, i_x in 1:n_x}) if hasSubregions 
    "Instances of the subregion model";
  Connectors.BoundaryBus xNegative[n_y, n_z] if inclTransX 
    "Negative boundary along the x axis";
  Connectors.BoundaryBus xPositive[n_y, n_z] if inclTransX 
    "Positive boundary along the x axis";
  Connectors.BoundaryBus yNegative[n_x, n_z] if inclTransY 
    "Negative boundary along the y axis";
  Connectors.BoundaryBus yPositive[n_x, n_z] if inclTransY 
    "Positive boundary along the y axis";
  Connectors.BoundaryBus zNegative[n_x, n_y] if inclTransZ 
    "Negative boundary along the z axis";
  Connectors.BoundaryBus zPositive[n_x, n_y] if inclTransZ 
    "Positive boundary along the z axis";

  final parameter Boolean hasSubregions=n_x > 0 and n_y > 0 and n_z > 0 
    "true, if there are any subregions";

  // X axis
  connect(xNegative, subregions[1, :, :].xNegative);
  if inclTransX then
    for i in 1:n_x - 1 loop
      connect(subregions[i, :, :].xPositive, subregions[i + 1, :, :].xNegative)
        "Connection b/w neighboring subregions (not shown in the diagram)";
    end for;
  end if;
  connect(subregions[n_x, :, :].xPositive, xPositive);
  if n_x == 0 then
    connect(xNegative, xPositive) 
      "Direct pass-through (not shown in the diagram)";
  end if;

  // Y axis
  connect(yNegative, subregions[:, 1, :].yNegative);
  if inclTransY then
    for i in 1:n_y - 1 loop
      connect(subregions[:, i, :].yPositive, subregions[:, i + 1, :].yNegative)
        "Connection b/w neighboring subregions (not shown in the diagram)";
    end for;
  end if;
  connect(subregions[:, n_y, :].yPositive, yPositive);

  if n_y == 0 then
    connect(yNegative, yPositive) 
      "Direct pass-through (not shown in the diagram)";
  end if;

  // Z axis
  connect(zNegative, subregions[:, :, 1].zNegative);
  if inclTransZ then
    for i in 1:n_z - 1 loop
      connect(subregions[:, :, i].zPositive, subregions[:, :, i + 1].zNegative)
        "Connection b/w neighboring subregions (not shown in the diagram)";
    end for;
  end if;
  connect(zPositive, subregions[:, :, n_z].zPositive);
  if n_z == 0 then
    connect(zNegative, zPositive) 
      "Direct pass-through (not shown in the diagram)";
  end if;
  // TODO:  Once primitivesVisible is supported by Modelica tools (not
  // supported as of Dymola 2014), complete the icon of this model.
  // Until then, the icon should be blank so that the layer models (AnFP, AnGDL, etc.)
  // are not affected.
end Region;

FCSys.Regions.Region.Subregion FCSys.Regions.Region.Subregion

Base subregion model FCSys.Regions.Region.Subregion


CapillaryVolumevolume Volume with capillary pressure included
LengthL[Axis]{U.cm,U.cm,U.cm}Lengths [L]
Phases (click to edit)
Gasgas Gas
Graphitegraphite Graphite
Ionomerionomer Ionomer
Liquidliquid Liquid
Independence factors
ExchangeParamscommon Among all phases
ExchangeParamsgasLiq Between gas and liquid
Included transport axes


BoundaryBusxNegativeNegative boundary along the x axis
BoundaryBusyNegativeNegative boundary along the y axis
BoundaryBuszNegativeNegative boundary along the z axis
BoundaryBusxPositivePositive boundary along the x axis
BoundaryBusyPositivePositive boundary along the y axis
BoundaryBuszPositivePositive boundary along the z axis

Modelica definition

replaceable model Subregion = Subregions.Subregion constrainedby 
  final inclTransX=inclTransX,
  final inclTransY=inclTransY,
  final inclTransZ=inclTransZ) "Base subregion model";