
Base classes (generally not for direct use)


Extends from Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage (Icon for packages containing base classes).

Package Content

FCSys.Characteristics.BaseClasses.CharacteristicNASA CharacteristicNASA Thermodynamic package with diffusive properties based on NASA CEA
FCSys.Characteristics.BaseClasses.Characteristic Characteristic Package of thermodynamic and diffusive properties
FCSys.Characteristics.BaseClasses.CharacteristicEOS CharacteristicEOS Base thermodynamic package with only the p-v-T relations
ReferenceEnthalpy Enumeration for the reference enthalpy of a species
Phase Enumeration for material phases

Types and constants

type ReferenceEnthalpy = enumeration(
    zeroAt0K "Enthalpy at 0 K and p0 is 0 (if no additional offset)",
    zeroAt25degC "Enthalpy at 25 degC and p0 is 0 (if no additional offset)",
      "Enthalpy at 25 degC and p0 is enthalpy of formation at 25 degC and p0 (if no additional offset)")
  "Enumeration for the reference enthalpy of a species";
type Phase = enumeration(
    gas "Gas",
    solid "Solid",
    liquid "Liquid") "Enumeration for material phases";