Name | Description |
![]() | Adapter between Modelica.Electrical.Analog and FCSys |
![]() | Adapter to connect a single fluid species between FCSys and Modelica |
![]() | Adapter to connect a single neutral fluid species between FCSys and Modelica |
![]() | Adapter between Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer and FCSys |
Note that the same assumptions are applied in Species.'e-'.Graphite.Fixed.
Extends from FCSys.Icons.Names.Top1.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Material properties | |||
replaceable package Data | Characteristics.'e-'.Graphite | Characteristic data (for FCSys) |
Type | Name | Description |
Boundary | boundary | Interface to electrical species |
NegativePin | pin | Modelica electrical pin |
Material properties | ||
replaceable package Data | Characteristic data (for FCSys) |
model Electrical "Adapter between Modelica.Electrical.Analog and FCSys" import assert = FCSys.Utilities.assertEval; extends FCSys.Icons.Names.Top1; replaceable package Data = Characteristics.'e-'.Graphite constrainedby Characteristics.BaseClasses.Characteristic "Characteristic data (for FCSys)"; Connectors.Boundary boundary "Interface to electrical species"; Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.NegativePin pin "Modelica electrical pin"; initial equation assert(Data.z <> 0, "The species must have charge."); equation // Assumptions boundary.mPhidot = {0,0} "No shear force (assumption #1)"; boundary.Qdot = 0 "No thermal conduction (assumption #2)"; Data.g(boundary.T, boundary.p) = Data.z*pin.v*U.V "Equal potentials (also conservation of energy)"; 0 = boundary.Ndot + pin.i*U.A/Data.z "Conservation of material (also charge), without storage"; end Electrical;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Material properties | |||
replaceable package Data | Characteristics.BaseClasses…. | Characteristic data (for FCSys) | |
replaceable package Medium | Modelica.Media.IdealGases.Si… | Medium model (for Modelica) |
Type | Name | Description |
Boundary | boundary | Connector for material, momentum, and energy of a single species |
FluidPort_b | fluidPort | Modelica fluid port |
HeatPort_b | heatPort | Modelica heat port |
NegativePin | pin | Modelica electrical pin |
Material properties | ||
replaceable package Data | Characteristic data (for FCSys) | |
replaceable package Medium | Medium model (for Modelica) |
model Fluid "Adapter to connect a single fluid species between FCSys and Modelica" extends FCSys.Icons.Names.Top3; replaceable package Data = Characteristics.BaseClasses.Characteristic "Characteristic data (for FCSys)"; replaceable package Medium = Modelica.Media.IdealGases.SingleGases.H2O constrainedby Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialPureSubstance "Medium model (for Modelica)"; Connectors.Boundary boundary "Connector for material, momentum, and energy of a single species"; Modelica.Fluid.Interfaces.FluidPort_b fluidPort(redeclare final package Medium = Medium) "Modelica fluid port"; Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_b heatPort "Modelica heat port"; Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.NegativePin pin "Modelica electrical pin"; equation // Assumptions boundary.phi = {0,0} "Zero transverse velocity (assumption #1)"; // Equal properties boundary.p = fluidPort.p*U.Pa "Pressure"; boundary.T = heatPort.T*U.K "Temperature"; Medium.specificEnthalpy_pT(fluidPort.p, heatPort.T) = fluidPort.h_outflow; // Conservation (without storage) 0 = Data.z*boundary.Ndot + pin.i*U.A "Charge"; 0 = boundary.Ndot + (fluidPort.m_flow/Data.m)* "Material"; 0 = boundary.Qdot + heatPort.Q_flow*U.W "Energy"; // Note: All of the advective terms (for all the balance equations) // cancel across the interface. end Fluid;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Material properties | |||
replaceable package Data | Characteristics.BaseClasses…. | Characteristic data (for FCSys) | |
replaceable package Medium | Modelica.Media.IdealGases.Si… | Medium model (for Modelica) |
Type | Name | Description |
Boundary | boundary | Connector for material, momentum, and energy of a single species |
FluidPort_b | fluidPort | Modelica fluid port |
HeatPort_b | heatPort | Modelica heat port |
Material properties | ||
replaceable package Data | Characteristic data (for FCSys) | |
replaceable package Medium | Medium model (for Modelica) |
model FluidNeutral "Adapter to connect a single neutral fluid species between FCSys and Modelica" import assert = FCSys.Utilities.assertEval; extends FCSys.Icons.Names.Top2; replaceable package Data = Characteristics.BaseClasses.Characteristic "Characteristic data (for FCSys)"; replaceable package Medium = Modelica.Media.IdealGases.SingleGases.H2O constrainedby Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialPureSubstance "Medium model (for Modelica)"; Connectors.Boundary boundary "Connector for material, momentum, and energy of a single species"; Modelica.Fluid.Interfaces.FluidPort_b fluidPort(redeclare final package Medium = Medium) "Modelica fluid port"; Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_b heatPort "Modelica heat port"; initial equation assert(Data.z == 0, "The species must be neutral, but its chemical formula is " + Data.formula); equation // Assumptions boundary.phi = {0,0} "Zero transverse velocity (assumption #1)"; // Equal properties boundary.p = fluidPort.p*U.Pa "Pressure"; boundary.T = heatPort.T*U.K "Temperature"; Medium.specificEnthalpy_pT(fluidPort.p, heatPort.T) = fluidPort.h_outflow; // Conservation (without storage) 0 = boundary.Ndot + (fluidPort.m_flow/Data.m)* "Material"; 0 = boundary.Qdot + heatPort.Q_flow*U.W "Energy"; // Note: All of the advective terms (for all the balance equations) // cancel across the interface. end FluidNeutral;
Type | Name | Description |
ThermalDiffusive | boundary | Connector for thermal diffusion |
HeatPort_b | heatPort | Modelica heat port |
model Thermal "Adapter between Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer and FCSys" extends FCSys.Icons.Names.Top1; Connectors.ThermalDiffusive boundary "Connector for thermal diffusion"; Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_b heatPort "Modelica heat port"; equation boundary.T = heatPort.T*U.K "Equal temperatures"; 0 = boundary.Qdot + heatPort.Q_flow*U.W "Conservation of energy, without storage"; end Thermal;