
Choices of options


Extends from Modelica.Icons.TypesPackage (Icon for packages containing type definitions).

Package Content

Axis Enumeration for Cartesian axes
Orient Enumeration for orientations relative to a boundary
Side Enumeration for sides of a region or subregion
ConsThermo Options for the conservation of material or energy
ConsTrans Options for the conservation of momentum
Init Methods of initializing a thermodynamic quantity (material or energy)

Types and constants

type Axis = enumeration(
    x "X",
    y "Y",
    z "Z") "Enumeration for Cartesian axes";
type Orient = enumeration(
    after "Axis following the normal axis in Cartesian coordinates",
    before "Axis preceding the normal axis in Cartesian coordinates") 
  "Enumeration for orientations relative to a boundary";
type Side = enumeration(
    n "Negative",
    p "Positive (greater position along the Cartesian axis)") 
  "Enumeration for sides of a region or subregion";
type ConsThermo = enumeration(
    IC "Initial condition imposed forever (no conservation)",
    steady "Steady (conservation with steady state)",
    dynamic "Dynamic (conservation with storage)") 
  "Options for the conservation of material or energy";
type ConsTrans = enumeration(
    steady "Steady (conservation with steady state)",
    dynamic "Dynamic (conservation with storage)") 
  "Options for the conservation of momentum";
type Init = enumeration(
    none "No initialization",
    amount "Prescribed amount",
    amountSS "Steady-state amount",
    density "Prescribed density",
    densitySS "Steady-state density",
    volume "Prescribed volume",
    volumeSS "Steady-state volume",
    pressure "Prescribed pressure",
    pressureSS "Steady-state pressure",
    temperature "Prescribed temperature",
    temperatureSS "Steady-state temperature",
    specificEnthalpy "Prescribed specific enthalpy",
    specificEnthalpySS "Steady-state specific enthalpy",
    Gibbs "Prescribed Gibbs potential",
    GibbsSS "Steady-state Gibbs potential") 
  "Methods of initializing a thermodynamic quantity (material or energy)";