Name | Description |
![]() | ∫f()·dx evaluated at x with zero integration constant |
![]() | Derivative of F() |
![]() | Polynomial expressed in form: f = ((… + a-1-n)/x + a-n)/x + a1-n + x·(a2-n + x·(a3-n + …)) |
![]() | Derivative of f() |
![]() | Derivative of df() |
By definition, the partial derivative of this function with respect to x (with a constant) is f(). The complete derivative, however, is dF().
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Real | x | Argument | |
Real | a[:] | Coefficients | |
Integer | n | 0 | Power associated with the first term (before integral) |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | F | Integral |
function F "∫f()·dx evaluated at x with zero integration constant" annotation(derivative=FCSys.Utilities.Polynomial.dF); extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input Real x "Argument"; input Real a[:] "Coefficients"; input Integer n=0 "Power associated with the first term (before integral)"; output Real F "Integral"; algorithm F := f( x, a .* {if n + i == 0 then log(x) else 1/(n + i) for i in 1:size(a, 1)}, n + 1); end F;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Real | x | Argument | |
Real | a[:] | Coefficients | |
Integer | n | 0 | Power associated with the first term (before integral) |
Real | dx | Derivative of argument | |
Real | da[size(a, 1)] | zeros(size(a, 1)) | Derivatives of coefficients |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | dF | Derivative |
function dF "Derivative of F()" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input Real x "Argument"; input Real a[:] "Coefficients"; input Integer n=0 "Power associated with the first term (before integral)"; input Real dx "Derivative of argument"; input Real da[size(a, 1)]=zeros(size(a, 1)) "Derivatives of coefficients"; output Real dF "Derivative"; algorithm dF := f( x, a, n)*dx + f( x, da .* {if n + i == 0 then log(x) else 1/(n + i) for i in 1:size(a, 1)}, n + 1); end dF;
For high-order polynomials, this is more computationally efficient than the form Σai xn + i - 1.
Note that the order of the polynomial is
n + size(a, 1) - 1
(not n
The derivative of this function is df().
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Real | x | Argument | |
Real | a[:] | Coefficients | |
Integer | n | 0 | Power of the first term |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | f | Result |
function f "Polynomial expressed in form: f = ((… + a-1-n)/x + a-n)/x + a1-n + x·(a2-n + x·(a3-n + …))" annotation(derivative=FCSys.Utilities.Polynomial.df); extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input Real x "Argument"; input Real a[:] "Coefficients"; input Integer n=0 "Power of the first term"; output Real f "Result"; protected "Polynomial expressed in form: y = x*(a + x*(a2 + …))" input Real x "Argument"; input Real a[:] "Coefficients"; output Real y "Result"; algorithm y := if size(a, 1) > 0 then x*(a[1] + (if size(a, 1) > 1 then x*(a[2] + ( if size(a, 1) > 2 then x*(a[3] + (if size(a, 1) > 3 then x*(a[4] + (if size(a, 1) > 4 then x*(a[5] + (if size(a, 1) > 5 then x*(a[6] + (if size( a, 1) > 6 then x*(a[7] + (if size(a, 1) > 7 then x*(a[8] + (if size(a, 1) > 8 then x*(a[9] + (if size(a, 1) > 9 then x*(a[10] + (if size(a, 1) > 10 then positivePoly(x, a[11:end]) else 0)) else 0)) else 0)) else 0)) else 0)) else 0)) else 0)) else 0)) else 0)) else 0)) else 0; // Note: Dymola 7.4 does seem to not inline the recursive calls beyond // depth 1; therefore, the function is "unrolled" up to the 10th order. // Also, in Dymola 7.4, if this function is called from a stack of (nested) // functions, it seems to reduce the depth allowed for the nested // parentheses. The implementation here ("unrolled" only up to the 10th // order) allows poly() to be called from within one other function within // a model. end positivePoly; algorithm f := (if n < 0 then (if n + size(a, 1) < 0 then x^(n + size(a, 1)) else 1)* positivePoly(1/x, a[min(size(a, 1), -n):-1:1]) else 0) + (if n <= 0 and n > -size(a, 1) then a[1 - n] else 0) + (if n + size(a, 1) > 1 then (if n > 1 then x^(n - 1) else 1)*positivePoly(x, a[1 + max(0, 1 - n):size(a, 1)]) else 0); // Here, Dymola 2014 won't allow indexing via a[1 + max(0, 1 - n):end], so // a[1 + max(0, 1 - n):size(a, 1)] is necessary. end f;
The derivative of this function is d2f().
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Real | x | Argument | |
Real | a[:] | Coefficients | |
Integer | n | 0 | Power associated with the first term (before derivative) |
Real | dx | Derivative of argument | |
Real | da[size(a, 1)] | zeros(size(a, 1)) | Derivatives of coefficients |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | df | Derivative |
function df "Derivative of f()" annotation(derivative=FCSys.Utilities.Polynomial.d2f); extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input Real x "Argument"; input Real a[:] "Coefficients"; input Integer n=0 "Power associated with the first term (before derivative)"; input Real dx "Derivative of argument"; input Real da[size(a, 1)]=zeros(size(a, 1)) "Derivatives of coefficients"; output Real df "Derivative"; algorithm df := f( x, a={(n + i - 1)*a[i] for i in 1:size(a, 1)}, n=n - 1)*dx + f( x, da, n); end df;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Real | x | Argument | |
Real | a[:] | Coefficients | |
Integer | n | 0 | Power associated with the first term (before derivative) |
Real | dx | Derivative of argument | |
Real | da[size(a, 1)] | zeros(size(a, 1)) | Derivatives of coefficients |
Real | d2x | Second derivative of argument | |
Real | d2a[size(a, 1)] | zeros(size(a, 1)) | Second derivatives of coefficients |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | d2f | Second derivative |
function d2f "Derivative of df()" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input Real x "Argument"; input Real a[:] "Coefficients"; input Integer n=0 "Power associated with the first term (before derivative)"; input Real dx "Derivative of argument"; input Real da[size(a, 1)]=zeros(size(a, 1)) "Derivatives of coefficients"; input Real d2x "Second derivative of argument"; input Real d2a[size(a, 1)]=zeros(size(a, 1)) "Second derivatives of coefficients"; output Real d2f "Second derivative"; algorithm d2f := sum(f( x, {a[i]*(n + i - 1)*(n + i - 2)*dx^2,(n + i - 1)*(2*da[i]*dx + a[i]*d2x),d2a[ i]}, n + i - 3) for i in 1:size(a, 1)); end d2f;