Name | Description |
k | Binary mobility factor |
pDstar_nonpolar | [Slattery1958] reduced pressure-diffusivity product for nonpolar species |
pDstar_polar | [Slattery1958] reduced pressure-diffusivity product for polar species |
vA and vB are given as inputs even though they can be calculated from T, pA, and pB because it may be desirable to leave vA and vB constant while varying pA and pB.
This function is based on eq. 5 from [Slattery1958].
Type | Name | Default | Description |
TemperatureAbsolute | T | 298.15*U.K | Temperature [L2.M/(N.T2)] |
PressureAbsolute | p_A | U.atm | Pressure of the 1st species [M/(L.T2)] |
PressureAbsolute | p_B | U.atm | Pressure of the 2nd species [M/(L.T2)] |
VolumeSpecific | v_A | 298.15*U.K/A.p0 | Specific volume of the 1st species [L3/N] |
VolumeSpecific | v_B | 298.15*U.K/B.p0 | Specific volume of the 2nd species [L3/N] |
replaceable function pDstar | MobilityFactors.BaseClasses…. | Reduced pressure-diffusivity product | |
replaceable package A | Characteristics.BaseClasses…. | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
replaceable package B | Characteristics.BaseClasses…. | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
TemperatureAbsolute | T_crit | Geometric mean of the critical temperatures [L2.M/(N.T2)] | |
PressureAbsolute | p_crit | Geometric mean of the critical pressures [M/(L.T2)] |
Type | Name | Description |
replaceable function pDstar | Reduced pressure-diffusivity product | |
replaceable package A | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
replaceable package B | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
NumberAbsolute | k_Phi | Binary mobility factor [1] |
function k "Binary mobility factor" import harmonicMean = FCSys.Utilities.Means.harmonic; input Q.TemperatureAbsolute T=298.15*U.K "Temperature"; input Q.PressureAbsolute p_A=U.atm "Pressure of the 1st species"; input Q.PressureAbsolute p_B=U.atm "Pressure of the 2nd species"; input Q.VolumeSpecific v_A=298.15*U.K/A.p0 "Specific volume of the 1st species"; input Q.VolumeSpecific v_B=298.15*U.K/B.p0 "Specific volume of the 2nd species"; replaceable function pDstar = MobilityFactors.BaseClasses.pDstar_nonpolar "Reduced pressure-diffusivity product"; replaceable package A = Characteristics.BaseClasses.Characteristic "Characteristic data of the 2nd species"; replaceable package B = Characteristics.BaseClasses.Characteristic "Characteristic data of the 2nd species"; input Q.TemperatureAbsolute T_crit "Geometric mean of the critical temperatures"; input Q.PressureAbsolute p_crit "Geometric mean of the critical pressures"; output Q.NumberAbsolute k_Phi "Binary mobility factor"; algorithm k_Phi := pDstar(T/T_crit)*p_crit^(2/3)*(T_crit*U.mol/U.K)^(5/6)*(U.atm/U.q)^(1 /3)*^2/U.s/sqrt(harmonicMean({A.m,B.m})*U.g)/(p_A*B.D(T, v_A) + p_B*A.D (T, v_B)) "Based on [Slattery1958, eq. 5] and the exchange equations in FCSys.Species.Species"; end k;
This function is based on eq. 4 from [Slattery1958].
Type | Name | Default | Description |
TemperatureAbsolute | Tstar | 1 | Ratio of temperature to the geometric mean of the critical temperatures [L2.M/(N.T2)] |
Type | Name | Description |
NumberAbsolute | pDstar | Reduced pressure-diffusivity product [1] |
function pDstar_nonpolar "[Slattery1958] reduced pressure-diffusivity product for nonpolar species" input Q.TemperatureAbsolute Tstar=1 "Ratio of temperature to the geometric mean of the critical temperatures"; output Q.NumberAbsolute pDstar "Reduced pressure-diffusivity product"; algorithm pDstar := 3.882e-4*Tstar^1.823; end pDstar_nonpolar;
This function is based on eq. 9 from [Slattery1958].
Type | Name | Default | Description |
TemperatureAbsolute | Tstar | 1 | Ratio of temperature to the geometric mean of the critical temperatures [L2.M/(N.T2)] |
Type | Name | Description |
NumberAbsolute | pDstar | Reduced pressure-diffusivity product [1] |
function pDstar_polar "[Slattery1958] reduced pressure-diffusivity product for polar species" input Q.TemperatureAbsolute Tstar=1 "Ratio of temperature to the geometric mean of the critical temperatures"; output Q.NumberAbsolute pDstar "Reduced pressure-diffusivity product"; algorithm pDstar := 5.148e-4*Tstar^2.334; end pDstar_polar;