Name | Description |
k_H2_H2O | Binary mobility factor for H2 and H2O |
k_H2O_N2 | Binary mobility factor for H2O and N2 |
k_H2O_O2 | Binary mobility factor for H2O and O2 |
k_N2_O2 | Binary mobility factor for N2 and O2 |
BaseClasses | Base classes (generally not for direct use) |
Type | Name | Default | Description |
TemperatureAbsolute | T | 298.15*U.K | Temperature [L2.M/(N.T2)] |
PressureAbsolute | p_A | U.atm | Pressure of the 1st species [M/(L.T2)] |
PressureAbsolute | p_B | U.atm | Pressure of the 2nd species [M/(L.T2)] |
VolumeSpecific | v_A | 298.15*U.K/A.p0 | Specific volume of the 1st species [L3/N] |
VolumeSpecific | v_B | 298.15*U.K/B.p0 | Specific volume of the 2nd species [L3/N] |
replaceable function pDstar | BaseClasses.pDstar_polar | Reduced pressure-diffusivity product | |
replaceable package A | H2.Gas | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
replaceable package B | H2O.Gas | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
TemperatureAbsolute | T_crit | sqrt(FluidData.H2.criticalTe… | Geometric mean of the critical temperatures [L2.M/(N.T2)] |
PressureAbsolute | p_crit | sqrt(FluidData.H2.criticalPr… | Geometric mean of the critical pressures [M/(L.T2)] |
Type | Name | Description |
replaceable function pDstar | Reduced pressure-diffusivity product | |
replaceable package A | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
replaceable package B | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
NumberAbsolute | k_Phi | Binary mobility factor [1] |
function k_H2_H2O "Binary mobility factor for H2 and H2O" import Modelica.Media.IdealGases.Common.FluidData; extends BaseClasses.k( final T_crit=sqrt(FluidData.H2.criticalTemperature*FluidData.H2O.criticalTemperature) *U.K, final p_crit=sqrt(FluidData.H2.criticalPressure*FluidData.H2O.criticalPressure) *U.Pa, redeclare package A = H2.Gas, redeclare package B = H2O.Gas, redeclare function pDstar = BaseClasses.pDstar_polar); end k_H2_H2O;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
TemperatureAbsolute | T | 298.15*U.K | Temperature [L2.M/(N.T2)] |
PressureAbsolute | p_A | U.atm | Pressure of the 1st species [M/(L.T2)] |
PressureAbsolute | p_B | U.atm | Pressure of the 2nd species [M/(L.T2)] |
VolumeSpecific | v_A | 298.15*U.K/A.p0 | Specific volume of the 1st species [L3/N] |
VolumeSpecific | v_B | 298.15*U.K/B.p0 | Specific volume of the 2nd species [L3/N] |
replaceable function pDstar | BaseClasses.pDstar_polar | Reduced pressure-diffusivity product | |
replaceable package A | H2O.Gas | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
replaceable package B | N2.Gas | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
TemperatureAbsolute | T_crit | sqrt(FluidData.H2O.criticalT… | Geometric mean of the critical temperatures [L2.M/(N.T2)] |
PressureAbsolute | p_crit | sqrt(FluidData.H2O.criticalP… | Geometric mean of the critical pressures [M/(L.T2)] |
Type | Name | Description |
replaceable function pDstar | Reduced pressure-diffusivity product | |
replaceable package A | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
replaceable package B | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
NumberAbsolute | k_Phi | Binary mobility factor [1] |
function k_H2O_N2 "Binary mobility factor for H2O and N2" import Modelica.Media.IdealGases.Common.FluidData; extends BaseClasses.k( final T_crit=sqrt(FluidData.H2O.criticalTemperature*FluidData.N2.criticalTemperature) *U.K, final p_crit=sqrt(FluidData.H2O.criticalPressure*FluidData.N2.criticalPressure) *U.Pa, redeclare package A = H2O.Gas, redeclare package B = N2.Gas, redeclare function pDstar = BaseClasses.pDstar_polar); end k_H2O_N2;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
TemperatureAbsolute | T | 298.15*U.K | Temperature [L2.M/(N.T2)] |
PressureAbsolute | p_A | U.atm | Pressure of the 1st species [M/(L.T2)] |
PressureAbsolute | p_B | U.atm | Pressure of the 2nd species [M/(L.T2)] |
VolumeSpecific | v_A | 298.15*U.K/A.p0 | Specific volume of the 1st species [L3/N] |
VolumeSpecific | v_B | 298.15*U.K/B.p0 | Specific volume of the 2nd species [L3/N] |
replaceable function pDstar | BaseClasses.pDstar_polar | Reduced pressure-diffusivity product | |
replaceable package A | H2O.Gas | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
replaceable package B | O2.Gas | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
TemperatureAbsolute | T_crit | sqrt(FluidData.H2O.criticalT… | Geometric mean of the critical temperatures [L2.M/(N.T2)] |
PressureAbsolute | p_crit | sqrt(FluidData.H2O.criticalP… | Geometric mean of the critical pressures [M/(L.T2)] |
Type | Name | Description |
replaceable function pDstar | Reduced pressure-diffusivity product | |
replaceable package A | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
replaceable package B | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
NumberAbsolute | k_Phi | Binary mobility factor [1] |
function k_H2O_O2 "Binary mobility factor for H2O and O2" import Modelica.Media.IdealGases.Common.FluidData; extends BaseClasses.k( final T_crit=sqrt(FluidData.H2O.criticalTemperature*FluidData.O2.criticalTemperature) *U.K, final p_crit=sqrt(FluidData.H2O.criticalPressure*FluidData.O2.criticalPressure) *U.Pa, redeclare package A = H2O.Gas, redeclare package B = O2.Gas, redeclare function pDstar = BaseClasses.pDstar_polar); end k_H2O_O2;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
TemperatureAbsolute | T | 298.15*U.K | Temperature [L2.M/(N.T2)] |
PressureAbsolute | p_A | U.atm | Pressure of the 1st species [M/(L.T2)] |
PressureAbsolute | p_B | U.atm | Pressure of the 2nd species [M/(L.T2)] |
VolumeSpecific | v_A | 298.15*U.K/A.p0 | Specific volume of the 1st species [L3/N] |
VolumeSpecific | v_B | 298.15*U.K/B.p0 | Specific volume of the 2nd species [L3/N] |
replaceable function pDstar | MobilityFactors.BaseClasses…. | Reduced pressure-diffusivity product | |
replaceable package A | N2.Gas | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
replaceable package B | O2.Gas | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
TemperatureAbsolute | T_crit | sqrt(FluidData.N2.criticalTe… | Geometric mean of the critical temperatures [L2.M/(N.T2)] |
PressureAbsolute | p_crit | sqrt(FluidData.N2.criticalPr… | Geometric mean of the critical pressures [M/(L.T2)] |
Type | Name | Description |
replaceable function pDstar | Reduced pressure-diffusivity product | |
replaceable package A | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
replaceable package B | Characteristic data of the 2nd species | |
NumberAbsolute | k_Phi | Binary mobility factor [1] |
function k_N2_O2 "Binary mobility factor for N2 and O2" import Modelica.Media.IdealGases.Common.FluidData; extends BaseClasses.k( final T_crit=sqrt(FluidData.N2.criticalTemperature*FluidData.O2.criticalTemperature) *U.K, final p_crit=sqrt(FluidData.N2.criticalPressure*FluidData.O2.criticalPressure) *U.Pa, redeclare package A = N2.Gas, redeclare package B = O2.Gas); end k_N2_O2;