


Extends from Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage (Icon for packages containing runnable examples).

Package Content

FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestConditions TestConditions Fuel cell test conditions
FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStand TestStand Simulate the fuel cell under prescribed conditions
FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandCycle TestStandCycle Simulate the fuel cell under prescribed conditions, with cyclical load
FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandSimple TestStandSimple Simulate the simple fuel cell model under prescribed conditions
FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandLinearize TestStandLinearize Wrapper for linear analysis of the fuel cell under prescribed conditions
FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandSegmented TestStandSegmented Simulate the fuel cell with multiple segments in the y direction
FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandFixedFlow TestStandFixedFlow Simulate the fuel cell with multiple segments in the y direction, with fixed flow rate
FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandFixedFlowSegmented TestStandFixedFlowSegmented Simulate the fuel cell with multiple segments in the y direction, with fixed flow rate

FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestConditions FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestConditions

Fuel cell test conditions FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestConditions


Some conditions are taken from the outer environment model. In particular,

  1. environment.T is used as the initial temperature throughout the cell, the temperature at each inlet, and the exterior temperature of each end plate in the yz plane.
  2. environment.p is used as the initial pressure throughout the cell and the pressure at each outlet.
  3. environment.RH is used as the initial relative humidity throughout the cell.
  4. environment.psi_O2_dry is used as the dry-gas concentration of O2 at the cathode inlet.
Extends from FCSys.Icons.Record (Icon for records).


RealInputInternalI_anU.AEquivalent current [N/T]
NumberAbsoluteanRH0.8Relative humidity (at inlet) [1]
RealInputInternalI_caU.AEquivalent current [N/T]
NumberAbsolutecaRH0.5Relative humidity (at inlet) [1]


output RealOutputInternalNdot_H2O_anRate of supply of H2O into the anode [N/T]
output RealOutputInternalNdot_O2Rate of supply of O2 [N/T]
output RealOutputInternalNdot_H2O_caRate of supply of H2O into the cathode [N/T]
output RealOutputInternalNdot_N2Rate of supply of N2 [N/T]
output RealOutputInternalNdot_H2Rate of supply of H2 [N/T]
input RealInputInternalI_anEquivalent current [N/T]
input RealInputInternalI_caEquivalent current [N/T]

Modelica definition

model TestConditions "Fuel cell test conditions"
  extends FCSys.Icons.Record;
  // Note:  This isn't a record because it contains time-varying variables.
  import FCSys.Characteristics.H2O.p_sat;

  final parameter Q.NumberAbsolute psi_sat=environment.p_sat/environment.p 
    "Mole fraction of H2O at saturation";

  // Anode
  Connectors.RealInputInternal I_an(unit="N/T") = U.A "Equivalent current";
  parameter Q.NumberAbsolute anRH(
    max=1) = 0.8 "Relative humidity (at inlet)";
  final parameter Q.NumberAbsolute psi_H2O_an=anRH*psi_sat 
    "Mole fraction of H2O at the anode inlet";
  final parameter Q.NumberAbsolute psi_H2=1 - psi_H2O_an 
    "Mole fraction of H2 at the anode inlet";

  // Cathode
  Connectors.RealInputInternal I_ca(unit="N/T") = U.A "Equivalent current";
  parameter Q.NumberAbsolute caRH(
    max=1) = 0.5 "Relative humidity (at inlet)";
  final parameter Q.NumberAbsolute psi_H2O_ca=caRH*psi_sat 
    "Mole fraction of H2O at the cathode inlet";
  final parameter Q.NumberAbsolute psi_O2=environment.psi_O2_dry*(1 -
      psi_H2O_ca) "Mole fraction of O2 at the cathode inlet";
  final parameter Q.NumberAbsolute psi_N2=(1 - environment.psi_O2_dry)*(1 -
      psi_H2O_ca) "Mole fraction of N2 at the cathode inlet";

  Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain stoichH2(k=1/2);
  Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain anStoichH2O(k=psi_H2O_an/psi_H2);
  Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain stoichO2(k=1/4);
  Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain caStoichH2O(k=psi_H2O_ca/psi_O2);
  Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain stoichN2(k=psi_N2/psi_O2);

  Connectors.RealOutputInternal Ndot_H2O_an(unit="N/T") 
    "Rate of supply of H2O into the anode";
  Connectors.RealOutputInternal Ndot_O2(unit="N/T") "Rate of supply of O2";
  Connectors.RealOutputInternal Ndot_H2O_ca(unit="N/T") 
    "Rate of supply of H2O into the cathode";
  Connectors.RealOutputInternal Ndot_N2(unit="N/T") "Rate of supply of N2";
  Connectors.RealOutputInternal Ndot_H2(unit="N/T") "Rate of supply of H2";

  outer Conditions.Environment environment "Environmental conditions";

  connect(stoichH2.y, Ndot_H2);
  connect(Ndot_H2, anStoichH2O.u);
  connect(anStoichH2O.y, Ndot_H2O_an);
  connect(stoichO2.y, Ndot_O2);
  connect(Ndot_O2, caStoichH2O.u);
  connect(caStoichH2O.y, Ndot_H2O_ca);
  connect(stoichN2.y, Ndot_N2);
  connect(stoichN2.u, Ndot_O2);
  connect(I_an, stoichH2.u);
  connect(I_ca, stoichO2.u);
end TestConditions;

FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStand FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStand

Simulate the fuel cell under prescribed conditions FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStand


Please see TestConditions regarding how the properties of the environment are used.

To run the cell with pure O2 in the cathode (no N2), set environment.psi_O2_dry to 100%.


  1. The outer surface of each end plate has uniform temperature in the yz plane.
  2. No heat is conducted from the rest of the cell hardware.
  3. All electronic current passes through the first segment (index [1, 1]) of each end plate in the yz plane.
  4. There is no shear force on the fluid at either outlet.
  5. The pressure of each gas species is uniform over each inlet.
  6. The volumetric flow rates of the gas species are equal at each outlet, where the volumetric flow rate is approximated using the current at the outlet and the density of the gas within the last segment of the cell.
  7. The outlet pressure is applied to the gas mixture by Dalton's law (additivity of pressure).
  8. At the outlet, the liquid has the same pressure as the gas (Amagat's law).
  9. There is no thermal conduction across either outlet.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Example (Icon for runnable examples).


Cellcellredeclare Cell cell(inclN2=e…Fuel cell
RampCurrentloadredeclare Modelica.Electrica…Electrical load
RouteranRouter[cell.anFP.n_x, cell.n_z] Switch to route the anode for reverse flow
RoutercaRouter[cell.anFP.n_x, cell.n_z] Switch to route the cathode for reverse flow
TestConditionstestConditions Test conditions

Modelica definition

model TestStand "Simulate the fuel cell under prescribed conditions"
  import 'Datae-' = FCSys.Characteristics.'e-'.Graphite;
  import DataH2 = FCSys.Characteristics.H2.Gas;
  import DataH2O = FCSys.Characteristics.H2O.Gas;
  import DataO2 = FCSys.Characteristics.O2.Gas;
  import average = FCSys.Utilities.Means.arithmetic;
  extends Modelica.Icons.Example;

  // Aliases
  Q.Current zI "Electrical current";

  // Auxiliary variables (for analysis)
  output Q.Potential w=load.v*U.V "Potential";
  output Q.CurrentAreic J=zI/cell.caFP.A[Axis.x] "Current density";
  output Q.Number J_Apercm2=J*U.cm^2/U.A "Current density, in A/cm2";
  output Q.PressureAbsolute p_an_in=average(average(anSource.gas.H2.boundary.p +
      anSource.gas.H2O.boundary.p)) if environment.analysis 
    "Total pressure at the anode inlet";
  output Q.PressureAbsolute p_ca_in=average(average(caSource.gas.H2O.boundary.p +
      p_N2_in + caSource.gas.O2.boundary.p)) if environment.analysis 
    "Total pressure at the cathode inlet";
  output Q.Pressure Deltap_an=environment.p - p_an_in if environment.analysis 
    "Pressure difference down the anode channel";
  output Q.Pressure Deltap_ca=environment.p - p_ca_in if environment.analysis 
    "Pressure difference down the cathode channel";
  output Q.Potential Deltaw_O2=(DataO2.g(caSource[1, 1].gas.O2.boundary.T,
      caSource[1, 1].gas.O2.boundary.p) - cell.caCL.subregions[1, 1, 1].gas.O2.g)
      /4 if environment.analysis "Voltage loss due to O2 supply";
  output Q.Potential Deltaw_H2O=(DataH2O.g(caSource[1, 1].gas.H2O.boundary.T,
      caSource[1, 1].gas.H2O.boundary.p) - cell.caCL.subregions[1, 1, 1].gas.H2O.g)
      /2 if environment.analysis "Voltage loss due to H2O removal";
  output Q.Potential Deltaw_H2=(DataH2.g(anSource[1, 1].gas.H2.boundary.T,
      anSource[1, 1].gas.H2.boundary.p) - cell.anCL.subregions[1, 1, 1].gas.H2.g)
      /2 if environment.analysis "Voltage loss due to H2 supply";
  output Q.Potential 'Deltaw_e-'=cell.caFP.subregions[1, 1, 1].graphite.'e-'.g_boundaries[
      1, Side.p] - cell.caCL.subregions[1, 1, 1].graphite.'e-'.g + cell.anCL.subregions[
      1, 1, 1].graphite.'e-'.g - cell.anFP.subregions[1, 1, 1].graphite.'e-'.g_boundaries[
      1, Side.n] if environment.analysis "Voltage loss due to e- transport";
  output Q.Potential 'Deltaw_H+'=cell.anCL.subregions[1, 1, 1].ionomer.'H+'.g -
      cell.caCL.subregions[1, 1, 1].ionomer.'H+'.g if environment.analysis 
    "Voltage loss due to H+ transport";
  output Q.Potential Deltaw_an=cell.anCL.subregions[1, 1, 1].graphite.
      'e-Transfer'.Deltag if environment.analysis "Anode overpotential";
  output Q.Potential Deltaw_ca=-cell.caCL.subregions[1, 1, 1].graphite.
      'e-Transfer'.Deltag if environment.analysis "Cathode overpotential";

  replaceable Cell cell(inclN2=environment.psi_O2_dry < 1 - Modelica.Constants.eps)
    constrainedby FCSys.Icons.Cell "Fuel cell";

  // Conditions
  Conditions.ByConnector.BoundaryBus.Single.Sink anBC[cell.n_y, cell.n_z](each 
      graphite('inclC+'=true, redeclare Conditions.ByConnector.ThermalDiffusive.Single.Temperature
    "Boundary condition for the anode end plate, except electrical";

  Conditions.ByConnector.BoundaryBus.Single.Source anSource[cell.anFP.n_x, cell.n_z]
    (each gas(
      H2(materialSet(y=-testConditions.Ndot_H2), thermalSet(y=environment.T)),
      H2O(materialSet(y=-testConditions.Ndot_H2O_an), thermalSet(y=environment.T))))
    "Source for the anode reactant stream";

  Conditions.ByConnector.BoundaryBus.Single.Sink anSink[cell.anFP.n_x, cell.n_z]
      each inclH2=true,
      each inclH2O=true,
      H2(redeclare each function materialSpec = Conditions.ByConnector.Boundary.Single.Material.current,
          materialSet(y=anSink.gas.H2O.boundary.Ndot .* cell.anFP.subregions[:,
              cell.n_y, :].gas.H2O.v ./ cell.anFP.subregions[:, cell.n_y, :].gas.H2.v)),

              cell.n_z) - anSink.gas.H2.p))), each liquid(inclH2O=cell.inclLiq,
    "Sink for the anode reactant stream";

  Conditions.ByConnector.BoundaryBus.Single.Source caBC[cell.n_y, cell.n_z](
      each graphite('inclC+'=true,'C+'(set(y=environment.T)))) 
    "Boundary condition for the cathode end plate, except electrical";

  Conditions.ByConnector.BoundaryBus.Single.Source caSource[cell.caFP.n_x, cell.n_z]
      each inclH2O=true,
      each inclN2=cell.inclN2,
      each inclO2=true,
      each H2O(materialSet(y=-testConditions.Ndot_H2O_ca), thermalSet(y=
        each materialSet(y=-testConditions.Ndot_N2),
        each thermalSet(y=environment.T),
        redeclare function materialMeas = Conditions.ByConnector.Boundary.Single.Material.pressure),

      each O2(materialSet(y=-testConditions.Ndot_O2),thermalSet(y=environment.T))))
    "Source for the cathode reactant stream";

  Conditions.ByConnector.BoundaryBus.Single.Sink caSink[cell.caFP.n_x, cell.n_z]
      each inclO2=true,
      each inclN2=cell.inclN2,
      each inclH2O=true,
              cell.n_z) - p_N2_out - caSink.gas.O2.p)),
        redeclare function materialSpec = Conditions.ByConnector.Boundary.Single.Material.current,

        materialSet(y=caSink.gas.H2O.boundary.Ndot .* cell.caFP.subregions[:,
              cell.n_y, :].gas.H2O.v ./ cell.caFP.subregions[:, cell.n_y, :].gas.N2.v),

        redeclare function materialMeas = Conditions.ByConnector.Boundary.Single.Material.pressure),

      O2(redeclare function materialSpec = Conditions.ByConnector.Boundary.Single.Material.current,
          materialSet(y=caSink.gas.H2O.boundary.Ndot .* cell.caFP.subregions[:,
              cell.n_y, :].gas.H2O.v ./ cell.caFP.subregions[:, cell.n_y, :].gas.O2.v))),
      each liquid(inclH2O=cell.inclLiq, H2O(materialSet(y=environment.p)))) 
    "Sink for the cathode reactant stream";

  inner Conditions.Environment environment(
    p=U.from_kPag(48.3)) "Environmental conditions";

  replaceable Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Sources.RampCurrent load(
    duration=36000) constrainedby Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.TwoPin 
    "Electrical load";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Ground ground;
  Conditions.Adapters.MSL.Electronic anAdapt 
    "Interface with Modelica.Electrical on the anode side";
  Conditions.Adapters.MSL.Electronic caAdapt 
    "Interface with Modelica.Electrical on the cathode side";

  Conditions.Router anRouter[cell.anFP.n_x, cell.n_z] 
    "Switch to route the anode for reverse flow";
  Conditions.Router caRouter[cell.anFP.n_x, cell.n_z] 
    "Switch to route the cathode for reverse flow";

  TestConditions testConditions(I_ca=2*zI, I_an=1.5*zI) "Test conditions";

  Connectors.RealInput p_N2_in[cell.caFP.n_x, cell.n_z](each unit="M/(L.T2)") 
    "Pressure of N2 at inlet";
  Connectors.RealInput p_N2_out[cell.caFP.n_x, cell.n_z](each unit="M/(L.T2)") 
    "Pressure of N2 at outlet";

  // Aliases
  zI = load.i*U.A;

  // Nitrogen pressures (since N2 is conditionally included)
  connect(p_N2_in, caSource.gas.N2.materialOut.y) "Not shown in diagram";
  connect(p_N2_out, caSink.gas.N2.materialOut.y) "Not shown in diagram";
  if not cell.inclN2 then
    p_N2_in = zeros(cell.caFP.n_x, cell.n_y);
    p_N2_out = zeros(cell.caFP.n_x, cell.n_y);
  end if;

  connect(cell.an[1, 1], anAdapt.boundary);
  connect(cell.ca[1, 1], caAdapt.boundary);
  connect(cell.an, anBC.boundary);
  connect(cell.ca, caBC.boundary);
  connect(anRouter.positive2, anSink.boundary);
  connect(anRouter.positive1, anSource.boundary);
  connect(cell.anPositive, anRouter.negative2);
  connect(cell.anNegative, anRouter.negative1);
  connect(caSink.boundary, caRouter.negative2);
  connect(caSource.boundary, caRouter.negative1);
  connect(caRouter.positive2, cell.caPositive);
  connect(caRouter.positive1, cell.caNegative);
  connect(anAdapt.pin, load.n);
  connect(load.n, ground.p);
  connect(caAdapt.pin, load.p);
end TestStand;

FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandCycle FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandCycle

Simulate the fuel cell under prescribed conditions, with cyclical load FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandCycle


Extends from TestStand (Simulate the fuel cell under prescribed conditions).


RouteranRouter[cell.anFP.n_x, cell.n_z] Switch to route the anode for reverse flow
RoutercaRouter[cell.anFP.n_x, cell.n_z] Switch to route the cathode for reverse flow

Modelica definition

model TestStandCycle 
  "Simulate the fuel cell under prescribed conditions, with cyclical load"
  extends TestStand(
      anCL(subregions(graphite(each inclDL=true, 'e-Transfer'(each fromI=false)),
            ionomer(H2O(each lambda_IC=13.53)))),
      PEM(subregions(ionomer(H2O(each lambda_IC=13.53)))),
      caCL(subregions(graphite(each inclDL=true, 'e-Transfer'(each fromI=false)),
            ionomer(H2O(each lambda_IC=13.53))))),
    redeclare Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Sources.SineCurrent load(
    testConditions(I_an=15*U.A, I_ca=20*U.A));

end TestStandCycle;

FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandSimple FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandSimple

Simulate the simple fuel cell model under prescribed conditions FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandSimple


Extends from TestStand (Simulate the fuel cell under prescribed conditions).


PotentialDeltaw_O2(DataO2.g(caSource[1, 1].gas…Voltage loss due to O2 supply [L2.M/(N.T2)]
PotentialDeltaw_H2O(DataH2O.g(caSource[1, 1].ga…Voltage loss due to H2O removal [L2.M/(N.T2)]
PotentialDeltaw_H2(DataH2.g(anSource[1, 1].gas…Voltage loss due to H2 supply [L2.M/(N.T2)]
Potential'Deltaw_e-'cell.caFP.subregions[1, 1, 1…Voltage loss due to e- transport [L2.M/(N.T2)]
Potential'Deltaw_H+'cell.anCGDL.subregions[1, 1,…Voltage loss due to H+ transport [L2.M/(N.T2)]
PotentialDeltaw_ancell.anCGDL.subregions[1, 1,…Anode overpotential [L2.M/(N.T2)]
PotentialDeltaw_ca-cell.caCGDL.subregions[1, 1…Cathode overpotential [L2.M/(N.T2)]
RampCurrentloadredeclare Modelica.Electrica…Electrical load
RouteranRouter[cell.anFP.n_x, cell.n_z] Switch to route the anode for reverse flow
RoutercaRouter[cell.anFP.n_x, cell.n_z] Switch to route the cathode for reverse flow
TestConditionstestConditions Test conditions

Modelica definition

model TestStandSimple 
  "Simulate the simple fuel cell model under prescribed conditions"

  import DataH2 = FCSys.Characteristics.H2.Gas;
  import DataH2O = FCSys.Characteristics.H2O.Gas;
  import DataO2 = FCSys.Characteristics.O2.Gas;

  extends TestStand(
    redeclare SimpleCell cell(inclN2=environment.psi_O2_dry < 1 - Modelica.Constants.eps),

    Deltaw_O2=(DataO2.g(caSource[1, 1].gas.O2.boundary.T, caSource[1, 1].gas.O2.boundary.p)
         - cell.caCGDL.subregions[1, 1, 1].gas.O2.g)/4,
    Deltaw_H2O=(DataH2O.g(caSource[1, 1].gas.H2O.boundary.T, caSource[1, 1].gas.H2O.boundary.p)
         - cell.caCGDL.subregions[1, 1, 1].gas.H2O.g)/2,
    Deltaw_H2=(DataH2.g(anSource[1, 1].gas.H2.boundary.T, anSource[1, 1].gas.H2.boundary.p)
         - cell.anCGDL.subregions[1, 1, 1].gas.H2.g)/2,
    'Deltaw_e-'=cell.caFP.subregions[1, 1, 1].graphite.'e-'.g_boundaries[1,
        Side.p] - cell.caCGDL.subregions[1, 1, 1].graphite.'e-'.g + cell.anCGDL.subregions[
        1, 1, 1].graphite.'e-'.g - cell.anFP.subregions[1, 1, 1].graphite.'e-'.g_boundaries[
        1, Side.n],
    'Deltaw_H+'=cell.anCGDL.subregions[1, 1, 1].ionomer.'H+'.g - cell.caCGDL.subregions[
        1, 1, 1].ionomer.'H+'.g,
    Deltaw_an=cell.anCGDL.subregions[1, 1, 1].graphite.'e-Transfer'.Deltag,
    Deltaw_ca=-cell.caCGDL.subregions[1, 1, 1].graphite.'e-Transfer'.Deltag);

end TestStandSimple;

FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandLinearize FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandLinearize

Wrapper for linear analysis of the fuel cell under prescribed conditions FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandLinearize


Extends from TestStand (Simulate the fuel cell under prescribed conditions).


RouteranRouter[cell.anFP.n_x, cell.n_z] Switch to route the anode for reverse flow
RoutercaRouter[cell.anFP.n_x, cell.n_z] Switch to route the cathode for reverse flow
TestConditionstestConditions Test conditions

Modelica definition

model TestStandLinearize 
  "Wrapper for linear analysis of the fuel cell under prescribed conditions"

  extends TestStand(
    cell(anCL(subregions(graphite(each inclDL=true, 'e-Transfer'(each fromI=false)))),
        caCL(subregions(graphite(each inclDL=true, 'e-Transfer'(each fromI=false))))),

    redeclare Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Sources.SignalCurrent load(i(

  output Modelica.SIunits.Voltage w_V=load.v "Potential in volts";

  der(load.i) = 0 "Current is a dummy state -- only for linear analysis.";

end TestStandLinearize;

FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandSegmented FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandSegmented

Simulate the fuel cell with multiple segments in the y direction FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandSegmented


Extends from TestStand (Simulate the fuel cell under prescribed conditions).


RampCurrentloadredeclare Modelica.Electrica…Electrical load
RouteranRouter[cell.anFP.n_x, cell.n_z] Switch to route the anode for reverse flow
RoutercaRouter[cell.anFP.n_x, cell.n_z] Switch to route the cathode for reverse flow
TestConditionstestConditions Test conditions
Integern_y6Number of segments in the y direction

Modelica definition

model TestStandSegmented 
  "Simulate the fuel cell with multiple segments in the y direction"

  parameter Integer n_y=6 "Number of segments in the y direction";
  import Modelica.Constants.inf;

  extends TestStand(cell(
      L_y=fill(8*U.cm/n_y, n_y),

end TestStandSegmented;

FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandFixedFlow FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandFixedFlow

Simulate the fuel cell with multiple segments in the y direction, with fixed flow rate FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandFixedFlow


Extends from TestStand (Simulate the fuel cell under prescribed conditions).


Cellcellredeclare Cell cell(inclN2=e…Fuel cell
RouteranRouter[cell.anFP.n_x, cell.n_z] Switch to route the anode for reverse flow
RoutercaRouter[cell.anFP.n_x, cell.n_z] Switch to route the cathode for reverse flow

Modelica definition

model TestStandFixedFlow 
  "Simulate the fuel cell with multiple segments in the y direction, with fixed flow rate"
  extends TestStand(testConditions(I_an=anFlowSet.y, I_ca=caFlowSet.y), load(
  Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp anFlowSet(
    startTime=60) "Specify the equivalent current of the anode supplies";
  Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp caFlowSet(
    startTime=60) "Specify the equivalent current of the cathode supplies";
end TestStandFixedFlow;

FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandFixedFlowSegmented FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandFixedFlowSegmented

Simulate the fuel cell with multiple segments in the y direction, with fixed flow rate FCSys.Assemblies.Cells.Examples.TestStandFixedFlowSegmented


Extends from TestStandFixedFlow (Simulate the fuel cell with multiple segments in the y direction, with fixed flow rate).


RouteranRouter[cell.anFP.n_x, cell.n_z] Switch to route the anode for reverse flow
RoutercaRouter[cell.anFP.n_x, cell.n_z] Switch to route the cathode for reverse flow
Integern_y6Number of segments in the y direction

Modelica definition

model TestStandFixedFlowSegmented 
  "Simulate the fuel cell with multiple segments in the y direction, with fixed flow rate"
  parameter Integer n_y=6 "Number of segments in the y direction";

  extends TestStandFixedFlow(
      L_y=fill(8*U.cm/n_y, n_y),
    testConditions(I_an=anFlowSet.y, I_ca=caFlowSet.y),

end TestStandFixedFlowSegmented;